RELIEF Evielab CBD - CBD Pearls

Chocked full of terpenes, the RELIEF Evielab CBD micro-pearls are a combination of CBD (cannabidiol) and CBG (cannabigerol). RELIEF Evielab CBD has many benefits: it is anti-inflammatory, soothing and a pain reliever.
D-limonene: Toning
Alpha-pinene: Stimulant
Mycrene: Pain reliever, sedative
Geraniol: Soothing
Lifespan: 8 to 23 day therapy
Dose: 5mg CBD. CBG / Pearl
Qty: 70 pearls
Advanages of CBD pearls:
✓ Can be taken easily and quickly
✓ Acts in 30 minutes
✓ THC and nicotine free
✓ Contains pure CBD isolate*
*CBD isolate is the purest form of CBD that can be consumed. It is obtained through a particular procedure that isolates pure cannabidiol crystals.
Using advice :
Their consumption varies between 3 and 8 pearls per day depending on the person. Taking it sublingually is quick and easy. Simply place the RELIEF Evielab CBD beads under your tongue, and let them melt.